This is Vimbai Mutinhiri – Ekpenyong “ @the_vimbai “ it’s such a pleasure to bring you a little piece of our story. Andrew and I met in December 2013 in his hometown Calabar, Nigeria. I was on a work mission and I reached out to a mutual friend about things to do in the city.
Andrew and his brother owned the most happening nightclub in the city at the time, so I was introduced to them and Andrew hosted me there. He was the perfect gentleman, I was a wild child (I was only there for the drinks 🥂). I partied the night away, we exchanged numbers and I disappeared back to my base in South Africa the following day.
He would Whatsapp occasionally, but I was Madame Blue Tick ✅✅. Until one day he was in Joburg and found a magazine with me in it, he took a picture of it and sent it to me. THAT GOT MY ATTENTION! I went to his IG to refresh my memory and Good Lord Almighty 😍😍😍😍 Chakanaka chakanaka veduwe- I asked him out for our first date ☺️ #zimweddings #zimweddingstakeovers #zimnaija #africanlovestories #zimbabwean #bellanaijaweddings #lovestory #blacklove 
PART 1/2: The proposal video speaks for itself 😂
At this point we’d been dating for almost 2 years. He had come to Zimbabwe to meet my family, I was well acquainted with his family in Nigeria and a girl was getting restless wondering when the rock would drop (insert a few passive aggressive lectures about how I’m not getting any younger, and many hours analyzing the ship with my girls😩😭). At this point I had been based in Nigeria for a few years because of work. Hubs agreed to join in me Joburg for my cousin’s wedding. 2 days before the wedding I got extra dolled up for the Bridal Shower. He normally always loves when I get dolled up, but this time he was extra excited. I just thought it was because we were on vacation.
I attend the bridal shower, then all my cousins propose that we go out for dinner after. I was happy to have an activity that included Andrew (who I assumed had been bored in the hotel all day). They chose my favorite restaurant- I wasn’t suspicious at all! Just thought it’s a wedding weekend, we’re on vacation, LET’S ENJOY OURSELVES ABEG.
Andrew said he would meet us there. We get there, and he is in this perfectly tailored traditional kaftan – so my first reaction was to tease him, “ah ah, your tailor made you correct holiday clothes” 😂😂….. #VimbaiXZimWeddings
Part 2/2: We all sat down, and when they asked for drinks orders Andrew said we should start with a bottle of champagne. He knows I like my bubbly, but I thought – how will we have space for all the scrumptious food if we fill up on drinks 😂 (I’m a very annoying person to surprise, you can just imagine). The waiter says no problem, but that I look so stunning that the restaurant would like to give me a special cocktail on the house. If you could have seen my grin eh 😬😬😬
I remember looking around the table and everyone is being so quiet and awkward. Then I thought maybe because it’s our first time all together with Andrew. That’s when this covered platter was put before me, and they said it was my drink. Being an IG lover, I decided to bring out my phone and record them revealing my drink.
It took forever for me to understand what was happening there 😂😂😂. I just thought it was some sort of extra presentation for the cocktail, but once they turned the plate and my diamond sparkled in my eye 💍. See, when you’ve been diligently waiting for it – it sparkles different 😂😂. I remember grabbing the box and handing it to Andrew – “babes, you have to get on your knee” (yes o, I can be very embarrassing)😩😭 but thank God he was already on bended knee, ready to finish what he started 🙏🏾♥️ He whisked me off to Cape Town after my cousin’s wedding for our proposal-moon 😁😁 He’d also been catching all my little hints – I have always wanted a diamond and platinum ring, and while I was getting discouraged he was actually busy getting his affairs together 😇 

Follow Vimbai’s Story in our Real weddings Page! It’s worth the follow through……

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