Post: Dear Single Person

Dear Single Person

Dear Amazing Single Person (ASP)

Yes you, you are amazing. Don’t let any one tell you differently. Being single is not a curse its a chance at being awesome. Be proud you are single its time to make you the best you can be.

Marriage is an amazing thing and it’s easy to get caught up in wanting to get married you miss the beauty that is singleness.

February always brings the panic to be in a relationship or date or settle for less than you deserve. There is more to life than getting or giving flowers on Valentine’s.

Let’s  take a look at 5 things being single gives you the chance to do…

1 . Understand your self worth

– While you are single you get to discover just what you bring to the table character wise.. great marriages are not built on money and things, rather good character and hard work.

While you are single determine the type of character you bring to the table and if you don’t like it you can change without hurting anyone

2 . Decide the type of partner who deserves you

– Having worked on yourself while you are single, you are able to decide what you will accept and not accept in a relationship.. do not cast your pearls to pigs.

3 . Discover your path

– Dream and dream big get started on your goals the person waiting for you will value, understand, support and help with that. Don’t get lost in the sauce, marriage is not a destination its a journey to both your purpose and your destiny. Get to work on  discovering your purpose and destiny.

4 . Guard your heart

-Take time to guard your heart, for out of it flow the issues of life. Don’t give people access to your heart easily they must earn it. You are that important. You should never be forced to prove you love anyone. Walk away they lose you must always guard your heart. You matter.

5 . Be happy

– Do things that make you happy. Self love is important and must be a part of you. Look after yourself and in time you can love others and look after them.

So my Amazing Single Person (ASP) Take the time to invest in yourself, It’s important.  You are only as good as what you put inside you. YOU are single don’t waste the gift and only give it to the one who has worked hard on themselves to deserve you. YOU have value yes you matter especially now you are single.

Truly yours

Miss Gath

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