How we met
I Met Muchi in 2000 I was on my high school holidays and Muchi was on his uni break. Instantly I was attracted to him because he was a fine young man, however I didn’t show it. I knew he also had a thing for me 🥰but we were both trying to play hard to get. Unfortunately we didn’t exchange numbers that time. Later on that same year, I escorted my sister to a call box, lol yea we are that old. Muchi must have recognized me and decided he also needed to use the call box🤣we ended up exchanging numbers that same day. Fast forward two months later, I received the first call from Muchi and we arranged a date. For our first date we went for breakfast at wimpy udc centre on first street in Harare. Oh my word the butterflies were all over🥰 I couldn’t even look at him. We had a cute innocent date, I went straight home after but we made plans to meet again the following weekend. We met again the following weekend and he invited me to his house to chill, those days it’s was all innocent guys not the “Netflix and chill kind” 😅. We made our relationship official after that. Muchi asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes immediately, I didn’t have to “think about it“. We started dating in March 2001.
Roora December 2001 9 Months later Muchi told me he wanted to marry me, mind you, those days it was normal for someone to propose marriage without a ring. I told my sisters what Muchi was planning and immediately started the procedures . We did introductions first, I went to meet Muchi’s family, his grandmother was happy but also worried when she saw me, I was a very tiny girl and and these were her words “ Ko nhai Muchi, zvawati vigira chana chidoko doko, tichasungwa nema purisa” 🤣. Muchi also met my side of the family before the roora. My family was happy because he looked responsible. Fast forward one week later, we had our roora day. It was on 23/12/2001. We had our roora event at churumanzu, at our village home which was my parent’s wish. Guys lobola day finally came and Muchi was late. Oh my word, anyone that has been through this can relate imagine vakwasha being 4 hours late apa we didn’t have mobile phones to keep in touch, guys I humbled myself that day and told myself the Lord is my shepherd 🤣 4 hours later we saw Muchi and his family coming vachi Tinha mombe, immediately vana mbuya vakabva vatanga mhururu nemiridzo, ko inini wacho I could not stop kuzhinya😆vana sekuru vakatanga kuwuchira maoko 👏🏾 imi ko kuzoti vazukuru vaibika, askana paka moniwa sadza kani, zvaita senge zvichango tungidzwa😅 even huku nembwa dzakafara musi iwowo. Roora proceedings were just straightforward and quick, I finally became Mai Mandishona.
Wedding planning
Oh boy where do I start from 😅 planning my wedding has been the longest, hardest and most beautiful thing I’ve ever had to go through. Life kept getting in the way. After our roora we found out we were expecting our first daughter so we had to put wedding plans aside, you guys know that babies cost 💰 and at that time the Zim economy was also on a down turn. Me and my husband decided to relocate to the UK and y’all know it’s not easy. While in the Uk we were working trying to make ends meet and we welcomed our second daughter. At that point pfungwa dzekuchata dzanga dzakure our babies had us occupied 24/7, couple of years later we had our last daughter, at this point I was content, however I still knew I wanted a wedding someday. After we had our last daughter we relocated to Australia, moving to Australia was not easy guys but it’s the best decision we have ever made. I really wanted to have my wedding in Zimbabwe, I even went to meet with @kevintheweddingplanner in December 2019, then early 2020 Covid happened. It was devastating but I didn’t think It was gonna last long so I was willing to wait for things to normalise. after waiting it out we realised that Covid wasn’t ending soon and Australia wasn’t going to open international boarders anytime soon, I decided to start planning my own wedding here in Australia. It was hard knowing that our families would likely not make it to our special day but they were happy for us because they knew how much we wanted this and how long we had waited for it. I started planning my wedding in December 2020 and our wedding was on 17 April 2021. Guys it was just smooth, I never had any issues during the planning process and on the day. My husband is a very simple man so he trusted me to plan everything myself, it was just an enjoyable journey, from looking for the venue, to choosing vendors and dress hunting, I would do it again!!! Above all, the journey has taught me to trust Gods timing because when it is his time, things will flow easy. I’m also grateful that my children could witness one of the best days of my life.
Word of advice
Guys marriage is not easy, it’s serious commitment and both parties must be willing to sacrifice. Take time to know, understand and forgive your partner. Things will happen good and bad , it’s a roller coaster but at the end of the day, God must be the centre of your marriage because without God there is no strong foundation. It also takes two to tango😉 More to come on the live