A Real Zimbabwe Love Story

When people say things like, “shoot your shot” or “the love of your life may be on social media”… It’s not out of thin air. How we met: we met in a WhatsApp group in August 2018. I was always and then we decided to add more people to keep the group interesting chiii chiii😂. I checked out his profile pic ndikanakirwa then I slid into his DM and introduced myself then we started talking 🤭. He was chilled and laidback and wasn’t much of a talker. One night we stayed up late chatting then it turned into phone calls. We first met on 28 August and we had our first date and we hit it off instantly. I then went to Poland in September 2018 and we decided to try the long distance relationship to see if it would work out. It was the best decision ever!


The long distance relationship worked out for us. Even tough we had our ups and downs but we managed to hold it down. I returned to Zim in July 2019 we then started going out on dates. In time, he introduced me to his siblings and then his sister parents. They were all loving and welcoming and I introduced him to my sister and my tete. We were getting to know each other since we had only dated virtually. My friends liked him and so did his ☺️. He would always tell me that he wants to marry me ndotoseka kuti ‘ko tazivana nguvai nhai’ and he would just say mira uone 😂😂😂. We dated the whole of  July before he decided to take it to the next level


On 7 September 2019 @percy_g_pg called me in the morning and said we are going for lunch. He explained he wouldn’t be able to pick me up but that @tendai93 (she was his friend’s gf, with whom we were going on a double date with) would. I got ready and she picked me up, when we arrived at AloAlo she told me we have to wait outside for @shaunchoto( her bf and @percy_g_pg friend). Two minutes later he came holding a camera and he started filming, ndakarohwa ne confusion kuti how far 😂 as we approached our table I saw Percy ndikatomhanya ndichida kubvunza kuti ko how far lol then mans went on his knees and proposed 🥹 tbh hapana kana chandakanzwa ndakarohwa ne confusion and happiness at the same time 😂😂😂. I said yes to the man of my man of our dreams ☺️☺️

Roora Day

Due to Covid-19 we had to wait 10 months before we had our lobola ceremony. It was a hectic time and gatherings were not allowed. It was stressful and we thank God we managed to pull through that dark time as a couple. You know engagement ikati rebesei unotanga kuita ka impatience kamwe sooo and unenge wakutya kuti ko munhu akazodya mari mu covid umu 😂. On 15 August the cows came home, we did it lowkey coz we were still in lockdown and restrictions were still there. I only had one friend with me @phyllismuzenda (she has stood by me all the way). Our good friend @shaunchoto took our pics. Vakwasha vakagamuchirwa mumusha and all went well ☺️

Life After Marooro

I think the key to a fruitful and long lasting marriage is marry your type 😂. And never your compare your marriage kune ya nhingi. We both love traveling and going out. My friends and family became his family and it was not hard for us to blend with each other’s family and friends. We are fortunate enough to live near our in laws (from both sides) so we are all close and hapana anosuwa kumba kwavo 😂. It’s not always highs, we also encounter some lows but we always find a way to solve our issues tiri two tisina ku involver other parties. I highly recommend marrying your type 😂😂😂 you get to do zvamunoda without fear of being judged by your partner!


Since we were already staying together and had bills to pay and we didn’t want a wedding that was going to break our budget and leave us in debt, we decided to have a court wedding . We had our court wedding on Thursday 27 January 2022 and it was one of the best decisions we ever made. We got to the courts(Rotten Row) at 7:20 and by 7:45 we were married and given our marriage license. They were very efficient and made the whole process smooth. We were to have a ceremony with a few friends and family afterwards. I managed to go back home and had my makeup and got dressed in time. My good friend @phyllismuzenda was my witness and my maid of honor at the ceremony. We had planned our wedding several times and had to postpone due to one reason or another. But when we decided that we now wanted a court wedding we just went and registered and set the date. We planned to invite 50 people so it was a manageable number and the planning was not so hard from there.


We had our wedding ceremony on the same day as the court wedding. The weather behaved that day and @chotographyzw took us some breathtaking pictures 😊. We had our reception at Goshen events in Hatfield and they also did our decorations and then provided us with a PA system. When we were looking for a venue we wanted one that would be able to provide us with everything, we planned the wedding in less than a month so we didn’t want stress dzekutsvaga different service providers. My gown, veil and tiara was from Becky’s bridal boutique and the owner personally came to dress me and made sure I looked stunning. My MUA showed up on time and I was ready. The reception was beautiful and we managed to have a good time and our friends and family danced and had a blast. We managed to have a beautiful wedding which was within our budget and we were debt free. Court weddings are so inexpensive and you can have a reception of your choice afterwards and do things within your budget.

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